
Posts Tagged ‘Birmingham’

Here is another video shot from Birmingham’s Tea Party. This one of Robert Stacy “The Other” McCain giving his speech.

This was a great moment.  Just wait until July 4th…T-Day!

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In our wildest dreams, we could not have imagined the turn out for the Birmingham, AL Tea Party. Our initial hopes for attendance were somewhere between 500-1000. In actuality, and much to the ire of the news media who have consistently under reported this event, we had well over 6,000 people. We would have had more, but traffic was backed up so badly on Valleydale road that many could just not get to us in time.

Kelly, Dorthey, Zan, the rest of The Rainy Day Patriots, and Marcelo were the grass roots of this whole event. We had absolutely no budget, so just about everything was donated. A sincere thanks and virtual pat on the back to them. I also want to commend and thank everyone who attended. We had no security issues, everyone was extremely polite – even with bathrooms facilities for only about 2,000 people. There was almost no difference in the park from before and after the event, everyone packed out their trash. We even had dozens of volunteers help set up and take down all of the decorations, sound system, etc. Betcha’ ACORN can’t ever say that!

A sincere thank you to all the speakers for the event, Steve & Leah, Rick & Bubba, Dominick Brascia, Matt Murphy, and more I can’t remember. Oh, and a special thank you to Sean Hannity and his crew.

Here are some of the pictures I took from my cell phone of the event. Since the sun went down just after seven, it was impossible to take any after that time. It is important to remember that people kept streaming in up until about 8:30…and the event was supposed to end at 9:00 pm.

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